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Solving Simultaneous Equations - Substituton

Solving Simultaneous Equations - Substituton

There are two ways to handle simultaneous equations.

This is the addition (or subtraction) method. Simultaneous Equations involve two equations with two unknowns. The substitution method involves:

• Rearrange one equation so that one unknown is on one side

• In the other equation, replace the unknown from the first equation

• Solve this second equation (with one unknown)

• Replace the solved value in the first equation

• Solve the first equation

• Check the values are correct

Note that it is not important which equation is used to start.

If one equation is a multiple of another, then there will be no solution (i.e. they are parallel lines).

Example 1

Solve the simultaneous equations `4x-y=6` and `5x+2y=1`

Rearrange the first equation to get it in terms of `y`

`4x` `-` `y` `=` `6`
Add `y` to both sides: `4x` `=` `6` `+` `y`
Subtract 6 from both sides: `4x` `-` `6` `=` `y`

Replace `y` in the second equation `4x-6`

Second equation: `5x` `+` `2y` `=` `1`
substitute for `y`: `5x` `+` `2(4x-6)` `=` `1`
expand brackets: `5x` `+` `8x` `-` `12` `=` `1`
add x terms: `13x` `-` `12` `=` `1`
add 12 to both sides: `13x` `=` `13`
divide both sides by 13 `x` `=` `1`

Replace `x` in the first equation with the found value of `x`

First equation: `4x` `-` `y` `=` `6`
substitute for `x`: `4(1)` `-` `y` `=` `6`
`4` `-` `y` `=` `6`
add `y` to both sides: `4` `=` `6` `+` `y`
subtract 6 from both sides: `-2` `=` `y`

Finally, check by putting both values in the other equation

Check using 2nd equation: `5(1)+2(-2)=1`

Answer: `x=1, y=-2`

Example 2

Solve the simultaneous equations `4x+3y=14` and `6x+2y=11`.

Rearrange the first equation to be in terms of `y`

2nd equation to get `y` `6x` + `2y` = 11
subtract 6x from both sides: `2y` = 11 - `6x`
divide all terms by 2 `y` = `frac(11)(2)` - `3x`

Solve the equation for `x`

First equation: `4x` + `3y` = 14
Replace the value `y`: `4x` + `3(frac(11)(2)-3x)` = 14
Multiply out the brackets: `4x` `+` `frac(33)(2)` `-` `9x` `=` `14`
subtract the fraction from both sides: `4x` `` `` `-` `9x` `=` `-frac(5)(2)`
add the `x`-values: `-5x` `` `` `` `` `=` `-frac(5)(2)`
divide both sides by 5: `-x` `` `` `` `` `=` `-frac(1)(2)`
multiply both sides by -1: `x` `` `` `` `` `=` `frac(1)(2)`

Substitute the found value of `x`

Second equation `6x` `+` `2y` `=` `11`
Substitute known value of `x` `6(frac(1)(2))` `+` `2y` `=` `11`
`3` `+` `2y` `=` `11`
Subtract 3 from both sides `` `` `2y` `=` `8`
Divide both sides by 2 `` `` `y` `=` `4`

Check the answer

Check using 1st equation 4(`frac(1)(2)`)+3(4)=14` ✔

Answer: `x=frac(1)(2)` and `y=4`

See also Multiplying and Dividing Terms and Multiplying Terms over Brackets