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Distance Charts

Distance Charts

A Distance Chart is a grid that shows the distance between two places. Each place is shown as a column, and also as a row. There are often two entries for each combination of places: for example, the distance in mles and in kilometres, or miles and average travel time. Read the key to see what the table represents.

Key: Distance in miles (in blue, top right set of data) and Time (in green bottom left set of data).

Distance (Miles)
Time (hrs/mins) Bristol Carlisle Durham Leicester Norwich York
Bristol - 275 282 129 239 221
Carlisle 4h26 - 76 214 281 116
Durham 4h28 1h31 - 172 240 70
Leicester 2h17 3h34 2h51 - 131 112
Norwich 3h50 5h11 4h29 2h29 - 180
York 3h38 2h17 1h28 1h59 3h40 -

Example 1

Using the distance chart above, give the mileage from Norwich to Durham.

Read along from Durham to Norwich for mileage

Distance (Miles)
Time (hrs/mins) Bristol Carlisle Durham Leicester Norwich York
Bristol - 275 282 129 239 221
Carlisle 4h26 - 76 214 281 116
Durham 4h28 1h31 - 172 240 70
Leicester 2h17 3h34 2h51 - 131 112
Norwich 3h50 5h11 4h29 2h29 - 180
York 3h38 2h17 1h28 1h59 3h40 -

(Note that reading along from Norwich to Durham gives time.)

Answer: 240

Example 2

A trip involves a journey from Leicester to York and then on to Carlisle. How long will the trip take, excluding any stops? Use the distance chart at the top of the page to work out the timings.

Read York to Leicester to find the time: 1 hour 59 minutes.

Read York to Carlisle to find the time: 2 hours 17 minutes.

Total time is 4 hours 16 minutes.

Answer: 4 hours 16 minutes

See also Scales in Maps