Because percentages are always out of a hundred, they can be easily used to compare different results.
Change results from two different quantities to a percentage figure, and then compare the percentages.
Which is greater, 35 out of 90, or 42 out of 110?
35 out of 90 = `frac(35)(90)` x 100 = 38.9% (1dp)
42 out of 100 = `frac(42)(110)` x 100 = 38.2% (1dp)
The first calculation gives the higher percentage and is therefore greater.
Answer: 35 out of 90
A shirt is on sale at £12 instead of the normal price of £18. A jacket is on sale for £39 instead of the normal price of £55. Which, as a percentage, offers the larger saving?
The new price of the shirt:
12 out of 18 = `frac(12)(18)` x 100 = 66.7% (1dp)
The new price of the jacket:
39 out of 55 = `frac(39)(55)` x 100 = 70.9% (1dp)
In percentage terms, the shirt is the larger saving.
Answer: The shirt