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Construct Inverse Proportion Equations

Construct Inverse Proportion Equations

If the relationship is an inverse proportion, then write the proportionality equation as:

`y prop frac(1)(x)`

Then change `prop` to `=` and multiply one side of the equation by `k`:

`y prop frac(k)(x)`

Remember that the `x` or the `y` might be a value such as `x^2` or `sgrt(x)` or other power term.

Example 1

An experiment showed that the number of bacteria in a dish was inversely proportional to the square of the temperature.

One dish at 24℃ had 18,000 bacteria. How many bacteria would you expect there to be in a dish at 20℃?

Proportion is `n` `prop` `frac(1)(t^2)`
Create equation with `k` `n` `=` `frac(k)(t^2)`
Substitute `18000` `=` `frac(k)(24^2)`
Solve `k` `=` `10368000`

`n` `=` `frac(10368000)(t^2)`
When temp = 20 `n` `=` `frac(10368000)(20^2)`
`n` `=` `25920`


Example 2

An experiment showed that a temperature, `t`, was inversely proportional to the square root of a height, `h`. When the height was 400m, the temperature was 20℃.

What was the temperature at 1000m? give your answer to 1 decimal place.

Proportion is `t` `prop` `frac(1)(sqrt(h))`
Create equation with `k` `t` `=` `frac(k)(sqrt(h))`
Substitute `20` `=` `frac(k)(sqrt(400))`
Solve `k` `=` `400`

`t` `=` `frac(400)(sqrt(h))`
When height = 1000 `t` `=` `frac(400)(sqrt(1000))`
`t` `=` `12.649`
`t` `=` `12.6 (1dp)`

Answer: 12.6℃